
First Inspiration for my animation

 My new project is going to create an animation, showing my humble thinking of the parallel world and human's solitude. There is an interesting and creative theory put forward by Richard Feynman, it is suggested that at the very beginning of the big bang, there is only one electron in the entire universe. Right, the boundless space and the countless substance are different modes of the same electron in different space and time. Since the big bang, the electron traveled forward along the timeline until the cosmic doomsday, then, it turned back and becomes positron, going in the opposite direction of the timeline until it get back to the beginning of the world. This electron, as the only thing in the entire universe, appears in each point of the timeline, appears in every corner of the world. Although it is the origin of everything, it suffers the ultimate lonesome.

       To our human beings, we can never know whether it will feel alone and boring, but what we can image is that it has a routine to exit, move and decompose; it is constrained in one universe. However, very possibly, in other universe, existing other lonely electrons which never realize their situation and never have the wildest imagination that there exist their potential friends. If the original electron one day decide to get out of its timeless routine, everything in the presenting world will no longer exist, but the electron or everything it decompose, will find so-called the ultimate truth that is beyond our reason and sensibility.
      Followed the great hypothesis, I realize the Parallel World Theory is also interesting. Of course, I am not going to focus on the complicated Physical or Mathematics theory, what I try to think about is something related to space. I am fascinated about the boundary between the space we take granted for and the space beyond human beings' perception. People has the potential to sense something invisible and have feelings that can not be explained by the science.  In other words, we are not really sure the space in which we walk and live is the only space in the world. It is very possible that some space are existing outside our sensibilities, existing in the dark corners of our reason. There are plenty of films show the same concern. For instance, ‘The Fall’ (directed by Trasem Singh), ‘Source Code’(directed by Duncan Jones), ‘Dark City’(directed by Alex Proyas), ‘The Matrix’ (Directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski), ‘Paprika’(directed by Satoshi Kon), ‘Cube’(directed by Vincenzo Natali) and so on.

